Monday, June 23, 2008

Princess: Ariel of Atlantica

Princess: Ariel of Atlantica // 06.23.08


It took me long enough, but now we have the best for last. It's been a crazy few days (what with Krystina's party and me GETTING TO USE MY TAIL FOR THE FIRST TIME *cough*), hence the no posts...I hope that I have enough time to make up for them. But, at long last, my fave makes it to the blog!

Ariel, in the story, is the leader of this rag tag team of magical school girls. She commands control over the Trident of Atlantica, used by all of its rulers since its inception. Anything that the Trident can do in the movie, Ariel can use it for (it doesn't mean she knows how though...). In her free time, Ariel is an average student (more on the barely passing side...) but also an avid dancer. Aurora is her best friend and together their ready for anything.

I didn't notice how detailed this costume was until I actually did this...Yeah, officially, if this ever got turned into a manga, the costume would have to be simplified some how because it has so many pieces. But, with that being said, I have to say that I could see her kicking ass in this (if kicking ass in frills and a bra is ever allowed.) The blue thingies are supposed to be bubbles...I wanted to make her seem as if she was standing in the middle of moving water...and plus it just looked pretty.

1 comment:

allison k. said...

ahh i was going to call you tonight, but i got invited to chinatown and got distracted...

i like mulan the best <3

you'll be hearing from me soon, since you seem to not want to respond to me over the interweb :D