Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Princess: Aurora of Thorngale

Princess: Aurora of Thorngale // 06.10.08


I'm late! But I promise that I was saving the jpeg at exactly 12:00am (lest I turn into a pumpkin!). I kind of blame myself, but hey it's done...

Next in this Princess series is Princess Aurora of Thorngale. Her powers are attached to a set of magical bracelets (with the same name as her kingdom) which the Princess of Thorngale can use to command the winds (weave tornadoes...get it? Forget the fact that spinning wheels have nothing to do with weaving please)and also launch those nifty thorn-like attachments as projectiles.

Aurora in the story may look like a Barbie doll (which makes her easier to draw I guess...) but she doesn't necessarily act like one. She does have a brain in all that hair that I drew. She may not be the smartest (like her sister, who we'll hopefully see tomorrow) but she's honest and loyal. Good qualities I would say.

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