Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bang: Winter Sign (I'm Back!)

Hello! So, been a while. But, I've firmly decided that I want to make Illustration/Design more a part of my life. I'm going to keep more up to date with my blog as a way to track my progress and keep my art in one place until I have a proper website. Anywho, enough resolution, onto drawings!

So, I was fiddling around in Illustrator and figured out a way to ink that I actually really like. I feel that it's the way I've always wanted to draw, but never could cause I sucked with a tablet and my inking in PS always looked...wonky? Here's a detail:

This drawing was for a large 4'x6' sign for the stores that we manage. The only down side to the inking is that in Illustrator, since the sizing for the brushes is relative, I have to make sure that I create the inked art in the size for printout. I'm sure there's a way to do this in scale, I just haven't figured it out yet. Also, I didn't notice that the girl in the picture looks like Hermione Gragner, but now that I see it I can't unsee it. Enjoy.

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