Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Art Dump! I've decided I don't like that term...


It's been a while! But I have some things to post:

This is a poster I did for Pembroke Hill's upcoming Prom. Their theme was "A Touch of Class". They wanted "elegant" and "classy", lots of atmosphere. I wanted to make sure it still looked young, so I went with this graphic treatment of a chandelier. I thought it talked about the venue of the Prom and the overall tone of the evening, but the color treatment I felt was still young.

Posters for Sinag-Tala's upcoming concert "Alamat: A Dance Journey into Philippine Foklore". That's a lot to type! I did have fun making these. If I've uploaded these before, these now have all the logos we were supposed to have on the posters in the first place (whoops...)...and the colors are a little more adjusted. Overall, I like how they came out and I'm glad we went with an illustrative approach since we always tend to go with a photographic approach.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mermaid again...

EEE! Did some work on it...

I like the way the shading/blocking came out...still working on the background...
process is a little different for me since I'm not exclusively using Illustrator. There's
some things that I do miss but some things that I actually really like. Hopefully I can
experiment some more.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pigs, and Mermaids, and Cakes, oh my!

Latest page from "Fastest Pig in China". A little trickier than most. Lots of going back and forth between Illustrator and Photoshop. Liking where it's going. I'm hesitating on doing the screentone for some reason. So far, I've liked how the grey tones have been coming out, but I'm still trying to find a balance between all of the pages and how I use it.

I thought this just turned out really cute and it makes me want to design my own cake! I've been helping Tita Inday with her upcoming 25th wedding anniversary...and here's her cake! Well, it probably won't end up looking like this...Tita Inday and my Mom probably won't go for the red and purple tiers, but I think it gives a cute, modern twist to the cake without losing the classiness. That's their monogram in the upper left...I think that my dream job is branding weddings...

And little pet project. I've had this sketch in mind for about a year now (in fact I've lost the original...I tried to recreate it as best as I can). It's my little tribute to the now closed on Broadway but starting a national tour "The Little Mermaid: A New Musical" musical...dorky dorky dork! This picture is sort of a spoiler alert, but Ariel's sisters (who were all women from different cultural backgrounds, which I wholeheartedly applaud) play a beautiful role in her final transformation from mermaid to human which was so beautiful it deserved some fanart...right now I'm doing color palette...I'll probably desaturate some of the colors, and keep Ariel in focus. I'm trying a lot of different techniques (for me at least) in this one, so I hope it turns into something interesting.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Fastest Pig II: Door and meeting continued!

I checked with Randi and this is still okay to do! So I'm going to do it...It's more of a chronology thing for me at this point and I like it that people can see what I'm up to : )

So. These two pages have taken the LONGEST time. I think it's because of all the screentone that I'm dealing with, even though it's fake screentone. That being said, I do like the way the pages turned out. I still need to add the one speech bubble that is going to be on these two pages. I can't wait to just crank out the rest, even though the next few pages after this sequence may be the hardest ones yet. Yergh.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fastest Pig II: Door again...and new page!

Working on the climax still...

Here's more of the door and here's the next page where Jimmy and the Monkey King face each other FOR THE FIRST TIME BUM BUM BUUUUUUM!

Yeah, I need to bust my buns on this one...I do like how the door works and the way the vines work. I think I'm just not looking forward to drawing all of the backgrounds that the page with the door is going to need.


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fastest Pig II: Big scary door!

So, still going at it...

In the text, while they're in China, Jimmy storms away from the village after he sees that his cousin, Tiande (who needs to make an appearance on this blog!) and Grace are getting a little too close. Jimmy truly is the jealous type. So he goes into the mountains and stumbles upon this huge boulder with all these "do not enter" signs on it and he goes ahead and enters anyway...he comes upon the Monkey king and they have a very fun baseball-themed battle (which hopefully will look cool...the panels so far are kind of meh...).

Instead of boulder, I thought of this idea that it could be a huge door carved out of the rock face that, over the centuries, the villagers have come and adorned because they recognize that this space is very special. They call it "Monkey King Rock" (at least the grandma's sister does) so I'm sure that the villagers are aware of it and would want to honor it...

Maybe I just wanted to have cool dragons in the panel, but I thought the door would be kind of a cool and visually interesting twist...I have noooo idea how Randi will react to it, or if Bill won't like it but I hope they do. If not, I'll do the boulder and hopefully it'll turn out cool.

This is just a small .png file so quality probs won't be that great, but enjoy anyway!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Fastest Pig II: 5 to 6

Still playing with grey tones...
I figured out how to do screentones today
on Photoshop and it is so ridiculously easy,
and that's probably where it can go wrong.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fastest Pig II: 11 to 12 and grey tones!

I need to figure out how to do screentones...but for real...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fastest Pig II: Type test!

Check out the fail!

I tried with the type...I really did!
It's a little clunky, but hopefully it
sort of looks like I know what to do
with type...

This is a spread from "The Fastest Pig
in China" the Manga I'm working on
for the Center for East Asian Studies.
Time's running out! I need to get a move