Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fastest Pig II: Big scary door!

So, still going at it...

In the text, while they're in China, Jimmy storms away from the village after he sees that his cousin, Tiande (who needs to make an appearance on this blog!) and Grace are getting a little too close. Jimmy truly is the jealous type. So he goes into the mountains and stumbles upon this huge boulder with all these "do not enter" signs on it and he goes ahead and enters anyway...he comes upon the Monkey king and they have a very fun baseball-themed battle (which hopefully will look cool...the panels so far are kind of meh...).

Instead of boulder, I thought of this idea that it could be a huge door carved out of the rock face that, over the centuries, the villagers have come and adorned because they recognize that this space is very special. They call it "Monkey King Rock" (at least the grandma's sister does) so I'm sure that the villagers are aware of it and would want to honor it...

Maybe I just wanted to have cool dragons in the panel, but I thought the door would be kind of a cool and visually interesting twist...I have noooo idea how Randi will react to it, or if Bill won't like it but I hope they do. If not, I'll do the boulder and hopefully it'll turn out cool.

This is just a small .png file so quality probs won't be that great, but enjoy anyway!

1 comment:

allison k. said...

i'm so jealous of you!

this'll go so great in your portfolio..

:) looks great. i can't wait to see the whole thing.