Monday, October 17, 2011

Story: Hit it, Ladies!

So I've been working diligently on my latest endeavor, a comic book of my own tentatively titled "Story". It's sort of a "what if" story, as in "what if all of the most notorious Fairy Tale villains were forced to combine their nefarious powers in order to defeat someone with GREATER EVIL POWERS than their individual ones?" So far it has been a great exercise. There are moments where I fall into traps about how I want to tell the story/relying on storytelling devices that I'm comfortable with, but I am really trying to push myself and hopefully it will continue to grow.

Over the weekend, I was able to finally finish putting the four main lady baddies together, and I decided I really liked what I saw. So, here they are:

The Sea Witch: Calliope

She's sort of the main...I don't know if you can label her a "protagonist"...but she is. Calliope is a woman bent on revenge, and she has the know how and the means to do it. The dagger that she carries in a symbol of her past and what she wants to use to finally exact her vengance. Also, she has aqua hair. Which is fun.

The Forgotten Fairy: Vivianne

Beautiful and shy. I hesitate to call her a "Fairy" because of all the glitter/sparkle connotations (which I love, but are not appropriate for her character). She was the 13th Fairy in the tale of "The Sleeping Beauty" that wasn't invited. But was she simply neglected because of a lack of table dressing, or was there something more sinister in the snub? She has Nature/Season based powers, which should be fun to play with/draw.

The Candy Witch: Hexe BonBon

She's often a neglected villain, but the witch from "Hansel and Gretel" was a cannibal in an house made entirely out of sweets. What's not to love? Her name sounds like a drag queen, which is also something to love. Hexe loves being who she is, isn't afraid to go after what she wants. She runs a circus, which she uses to lure more children to her in order to feast upon. She likes them with lots of chocolate sauce.

The Wicked Queen: Marie Adele

I imagine Marie growing up as a princess getting everything she wanted but was never able to make any important connections with humans. The Magic Mirror she has is actually inhabited by the spirit of her deceased mother, a powerful sorceress in her own right. I view their relationship as Toddlers and Tiaras gone horribly, horribly wrong with murder thrown into the mix. The shoes/boots are the metal shoes that were heated and placed upon her feet at the end of the original story. So, part cyborg?

And there you have it. I still need to draw the dashing hero of the story Blue who is in charge of making sure that these ladies don't kill each other. Excited!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bang: Winter Sign (I'm Back!)

Hello! So, been a while. But, I've firmly decided that I want to make Illustration/Design more a part of my life. I'm going to keep more up to date with my blog as a way to track my progress and keep my art in one place until I have a proper website. Anywho, enough resolution, onto drawings!

So, I was fiddling around in Illustrator and figured out a way to ink that I actually really like. I feel that it's the way I've always wanted to draw, but never could cause I sucked with a tablet and my inking in PS always looked...wonky? Here's a detail:

This drawing was for a large 4'x6' sign for the stores that we manage. The only down side to the inking is that in Illustrator, since the sizing for the brushes is relative, I have to make sure that I create the inked art in the size for printout. I'm sure there's a way to do this in scale, I just haven't figured it out yet. Also, I didn't notice that the girl in the picture looks like Hermione Gragner, but now that I see it I can't unsee it. Enjoy.